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Click on any of the links below to browse news, programs, 

and to learn more about our Catholic faith.

(A website's inclusion does not necessarily imply OLM or Newman's endorsement of their content.)



Catholic Stuff You Should Know

A cool, funny podcast by a priest and two seminarians covering Catholic topics such as the pope, homosexuality, and just war.


Catechism of the Catholic Church

The searchable, definitive source of answers to questions about Church teachings and beliefs.


Fish Eaters

A website with all sorts of intriguing articles and a discussion forum on Church teaching and Catholic life.



National Catholic Register

"America's most complete and faithful Catholic news source" features well-written news and editorials.

New Advent

A Catholic news aggregate service (like the Drudge Report) that also features articles by popular Catholic bloggers.


Crisis Magazine

A liberal arts college magazine featuring articles and videos on Catholicism from a socioeconomic perspective.

Special Interest



A program to teach college students how to be Catholic leaders through mentoring, retreats, and weekly gatherings.

Interactive quizzes, videos, and straightforward Q&A on sexuality and how to live chastity. 


Hope After Abortion

Project Rachel is a well-known outreach to post-abortive women and men seeking forgiveness and healing.

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